
Amateur Shooto Rules

” Shooto Commission (SC)” is the organization that supervises Shooto Wrestling. SC
proposes an idea of “No-Holds-Barred as Sport.”

Chapter 1 Official match

Article 1 Official match
Official match means the match, wich is approved and authorized by Shooto
Commission Holland (herafter called SC). SC shall have the right to cancel the official
match ater the date of apporval.

Article 2 Rounds
One match fights consist of three (3) minutes x two (2) rounds, and tournament fights
consist of four (4) minutes x one (1) round as a general rule. The finals in tournament
fights consist of three (3) minutes x two (2) rounds. Concerning the finals in tournament
fights, an extra two (2) minute round shall be held when the winner is not determined by
a decision of the judges (wich means that both fighters get the same points) by the end
of the final round. There shalle be one (1) minute intervals between each round

Article 3 Judgment
The matches shall be judged by one (1) chairman, one (1) referee and two (2) sub-
referees who are approved by either SC.

Chapter 2 Judges

Article 4 Qualification
Chairman, referee and sub-referees (hereafter called judges) shall be experienced in
Shooto and fully conversant with its techniques, philosophy and rules.

Article 5 Improvement in judgment
Judges shall holld meetings to take remedial steps about the rules and techniques in
judgment, as circumstances demand.

Article 6 Neutrality an fairness
The Judges shall be neutral and fair.

Article 7 Iniquity
Judges shall strictly refuse any iniquity such as a bribe or a threat.

Article 8 Disqualification
If a judge makes mistakes in applying the rules or any mistakes in judgment by
negligence, he shall be disqualified or suspended his qualification by JSA.

Chapter 3 Participants

Article 9 Discipline
All participants shall follow the articles bellow;
1) He shall report to the venue by thirty (30) minutes before the first match.
2) He shall take the medical examination and pass it before the match.
3) He shall be accompanied by the cornermen.
4) He shall not come out of the ring without the referee’s permission once the match
starts. If he gets the permissionof the referee, the officials of SC (hereafter called
the officials) shall accompany him.
5) He shall immediately leave the ring when the match is over.
6) He shall wear a moutpiece (and a protector for the groin for a male fighter) of his
Safety of his mouthpiece and protector for the groin are his own responsibility
7) He shll be all allowed to use to the joint parts, however, he shall wear supporters
onto them to fix the tapes if the officials required.
8) The usage of Vaseline is allowed, only in the facial area of a competitior.
The referee controls if the used amount of Vaseline is allowed.
9) The usage of oil, grease or any other chemicals to the body or hair shall not be
allowed as they might hinder the fight.
10) He shall not wear any metal things like rings, necklace or pierced earrings.

Chapter 4 Cornerman

Article 10 Cornerman
Each fighter may have up to three (3) cornerman, including one (1) chief cornerman.

Article 11 Porhibitions
Cornerman shall follow the articles below. A cornerman who does not follow these
articles in spite of repeated warnings shall be ordered to leave.
1) Only the chief cornerman shall be allowed to enter the ring before the match or
during intervals. 2) When a “Second out”call is made by the referee, the cornerman
shall leave the ring with everytihing he brought into the ring.
3) He shall not touch either of the fighters during the match no matter
which it is on or off in the ring.
4) He shall not enter the ring during rounds at an circumstances. 5) He
shall refrain from ill-mannered behaviors.

Article 12 Things to use
2) Bottle
3) Bucket
4) Ice
5) Adhesive tape
6) Scissors
7) Gauze
8) Cotton
9) Swab
10) Towel
11) Watch
12) Anti-swelling-pad
13) Styptic
14) Chair
15) Vaseline

Chapter 5 Weight classes

Article 10 Cornerman
Each fighter may have up to three (3) cornerman, including one (1) chief cornerman.

Article 13 Weight classes
Weight classes are as follows:
Minimum weight : 47.6kg(-105lb)
Fly weight: 52.2kg(-115lb)
Bantam weight: 56.7kg(-125lb)
Feather weight: 61.2kg(-135lb)
Light weight: 65.8kg(-145lb)
Welter weight: 70.3kg(-155lb)
Middle weight: 77.1kg(-170lb)
Lightheavy weight: 83.9kg(-185lb)
Cruiser weight: 93.0kg(-205lb)
Heavy weight: 120.2kg(-265lb)
Superheavy weight: 120.2kg(+265lb) (no limit)

Chapter 6 Weighing in

Article 14 Weighing in
All participants shall report to the specified place at specified time that SC decide (that
shall) be within 24 hours before the first match as a general rule) and shall weigh in
undressed in the presence of the officials.
A fighter who is late for weighing in or does not show up without a reasonable reason
shall be disqualified. In case he has a reasonable reason, he shall report at the time
officials specified again. All participants shall be checked their nails and hair at the time
of weighing in and shall take some action to their nails if the officials required.

Article 15 Being out of the weight limit
Participants may weigh in many times during the specified period of time if their
weights are beyond the confines of their classes. A fighter who does not meet the
weight limit by the end of the specified period of time shall be disqualified.

Chapter 7 Fighting area

Article 16 Fighting area
Fighting area shall satisfy the following conditons.
1) Fighting area shall be a boxing ring surrounded by three (3) – four (4) leves of ropes,
a wrestling matt or fighting area for JUDO that is approved by SC
2) The floor of the fighting area must be flat and have some extra space.
3) The floor of the fighting area must be as hard as wrestling mat or Tatami.
4) One of the two (2) corners in diagonal that the fighters enter from shall be the red
corner, and the other one shall be the blue corner. The rest of the corners shall be
neutral. Seats for the officials shall be placed by the ring, and two (2) seats for
sub-referees shall be separately be placed on opposite side of the ring.
5) The fighting area shall be well-lighted for matches to be done smoothly.

Chapter 8 Gloves

Article 17 Shooto gloves
All participants shall wear shooto gloves approved by SC, wich are made of leather and
are open-finger type

Article 18 The sizes of gloves
In case of using gloves made by Winning Company, the sizes of gloves are as follows.
– Minimumweight – Lightweight – the knuckle part is 25mm thick (size S)
– Welterweight – Lightheavy weight – the knuckle part is 30mm thick (size M)
– Over Cruiserweight – the knuckle part is 35mm thick (size L, XL)

Article 19 The wearing of gloves
All participants shall properly wear gloves that are examined by SC. Strings of the
gloves must be tied up hard at the wrist an covered with self-adhesive tapes to be
fixed. They shall put colored self-adhesive tapes of the same color as their own corner
(red or blue) onto them.

Article 20 Tampering
Gloves shall not be tampered such as, displacing the stuffing in the knuckle parts of
deforming gloves.

Chapter 9 Bandages

Article 21 Usage
Bandages or self-adhesive tapes shall be used only to protect the knuckles.

Article 22 Directions
Bandages must be made of fabric, and nothing shall be inserted under the bandages.
The usage of selfadhesive tapes to fix the bandages shall be allowed.

Article 23 Examination
All participants shall go through the examination of their bandages and self-adhesive
tapes by the officials after wearing them and shall not make any adjustments to the
bandages or self-adhesive tapes once they are examined.

Chapter 10 Protectors

Article 24 Protectors
Participants shall wear head-guards, kneepads and shin pads to cover their heads,
knees, shins and insteps approved by SC.

Article 25 Prohibition
Any protectors that do not achieve the required level of quality shall not be used.

Chapter 11 Dress code

Article 26 Dress code for participants
He may wear tights or above knee-length trunks that do not protect himself from the
opponents offense. For a female fighter, she shall wear a T-shirt or a leotard that does
not obstruct offense and defense. The color of the wear must be reddish for a fighter
who enters from the red corner, and must be bluish for a fighter who enters from the
blue corner. The choices of patterns and design are free, however, decorating in an
unpleasant way to the opponent shall not be allowed. Gowns may be allowed to wear
when they enter the ring.

Aricle 27 Prohibition
Participants shall fight barefoot and shall not wear any clothes that do not meet the
dress code. A mail fighter shall be naked to the waist.

Chapter 12 Hygiene

Article 28 Hygiene of participants
Participants shall follow the articles below.
1) He shall keep his body and hair clean and hygienic.
2) He shall wear dry and clean clothes and protectors that have no unpleasant smell.
3) He shall have his fingernails and toenails cut not to scratch the opponent’s skin.
4) He shall bundle his hair if the officials tell him to.
5) He shall have shaved himself beforehand or shall keep his beard short enough not to
give the opponent an unpleasant feeling.

Chapter 13 Issues of matches

Article 29 Issues of matches
Issues of matches are as follows

1) Knock Out (hereafter called KO)
A case that a fighter does not get back to his standing position and does not shows the
will to fight within the call of count five (5) after he is knocked down. If both fighters are
knocked down at the same time and neither gets back to his standing position and show
his will to fight within the call of coutn five (5), it shall be a draw in a one-match fight, or a
winner shall be declared according to the scores by then in a tournament fight.

2) Thechnical Knock Out (hereafter TKO)
a. In case that the referee judges that it is impossible to continue the match due to
an injury or damage of a fighter from the opponent’s hit, throwing or submission
b. A case the the official doctor judges that it is impossible to continue the match
due to an injury or damage of a
fighter from the opponent’s hit, throwing or submission technique. c. In case a fighter
has heavy bleeding
d. In case a fighter goes down three (3) times in a round.
e. In case that a fighter who has been hit or thrown loses his will to fight or he shows the
will to give up fighting.
f . In case a cornerman throws a towel into the ring during the match or he declares a
fighter’s withdrawal from the match.

3) Ippon
In case that a fighter who has been put through a submission or a constriction technique
says “Give up” or taps his hands or legs on the matt or the opponent’s body to indicate
his will to give up fighting, or in case that the referee judges a fighter’s submission or
constriction technique is perfectly effective to the opponent. When both fighters take
“Ippon” at the same time (double Ippon), the match shall be a draw if it is a onematch
fight, or it shall be deciced according to the scores by then if it is a tournament fight.

4) Decision
The pionts on hit and holding techniques shall be totaled for each fighter after the
match ends, and the fighter acquiring a higher total of points shall be the winner, the
other fighter shall be the loser. When both fighters get the same amount of points, the
match shall be a draw if it is a one-match fight, or a decision by flags shall be made to
decide a winner in a tournament fight. Once a decision made, it cannot be changed by
anyone but SC, except in case that there have been mistakes in recording or adding up
the scores or in case that a judge has done iniquity.

5) Technical Decision
When it is impossible to continue the match due to an accidental injury or damage of
either or both fighters, or due to any event, like a disaster or breakage of equipment, the
match shall be a draw if that happened in the first round or a winner shall be declared
according to the points by then if that happened in the second round in one-match
fights. If both fighters get the same points by then, the match shall be a draw. In
tournament fights, a winner shall be declared according to the scores, and if both
fighters get the same score, a decision by flags shall be made to declare a winner.

6) Decision by flags
When both fighters get the same points by the end of the final round in a tournament
fight, the referee and two (2) sub-referees shall evaluate each fighter with hiet and
holding techniques considered, and they shall hold up a flag which is the same color as
the superior fighter’s corner color. The fighter who gets more flags shall be the winner.
Concerning the finals a tournament, an extra two (2) minute round shall be held when
both fighters get the same points by the end of the final round, and a decision by flags
shall be made only concerning the extra round.

7) Disqualification due to violation of the rule
a. When a fighter uses a foul technique regardless whether it is accidental or
deliberate, the referee shall give him a caution and one (1) – three (3) points
reduction depending on the severity of the foul play. If the fighter repeatedly uses
foul techniques in spite of being given repeated cautions by the referee shell be
disqualified. A fighter shall be disqualified without a single caution when the foul play is
b. When the referee determined the a fighter is unable to continue fighting after
getting injured or damaged from the opponent’s violation, the opponent shall be
disqualified. The match can be carried on at the referee’s discretion after given the
injured fighter a rest for a certain period of time.

Chapter 14 Knock Down

Article 30 Knock Down
Knock Down means the state that any area of a fighter’s body besides the bottom of
the foot touches the ground due to damage by the opponent’s attacks, or the state
that a fighter is unable to offend or defend even without falling down to the ground
(standing Down) “Down Count) shall be continued even after the round is over,
except the final round.

Chapter 15 Scoring

Article 31 Points on hit techniques
Each fighter shall be given ten (10) points for hit techiques at each round, which shall be
deducted by two (2) sub-referees on the following basis:
10 – 10 Any even game (both fighter’s offence and defense are just even)
10 – 9 When one fighter is better than the other in offense, but the difference is subtile.
(aggressive hits)
10 – 8 When one fighter is slightly better than the the other in offense (effective hits)
10 – 7 When fighter is clearly better than the other in offense
(knock down with no damage or almost to knock down)
10- 6 When it is obvious that one is much better than the other in offense.
(Knock down with some damage)
10- 5 When one fighter is overwhelmingly superior to the other. (Near KO or TKO)

Article 32 Scoring criteria for hit techniques
Priorities of evaluation in scoring are in the order presented below.
1) Clean effective hit (accurate and effective attack) Attacks that give the opponent some
2) Aggressiveness
Attacks that are recognized as aggressive and effective even though there is no
damage to the opponent.
3) Ring generalship (Dominant position)
When it is seemed that a fighter keeps making the opponent’s attacks ineffective.

Article 33 Points on holding techniques
Points on holding techniques shall be added by the referee’s decision. There are three
(3) categories of criteria, wich are, Action, Positioning and Submission.

Article 34 Scoring criteria for holding techniques
Points on holding techniques shall be scored on the following basis:
1) Take down
One (1) point = Take down that leads to Side, Knee-press, Mount, Back or
Back mount techniques 2) Action
One (1) point = Top (Mounting and holding the opponent onto the ground)
3) Positioning
One (1) point = Half (Holding the opponent onto the ground from above in the
state that one of his legs is not entangled by the opponent)
Two (2) points = Side (Holding the opponent onto the ground from above pressing
his chest against that of the opponent, in the state neither his legs are entangled by
the opponent) Knee-presss (Putting one knee onto the opponents abdomen or
chest and holding him onto the groun from above.)
Four (4) points = Mount (Mouting over the trunks of the opponent from the front or
the side and holding him onto the ground)
Back (Mounting over the trunks of the opponent from behind and holding him onto
the ground with hooking his legs)
Five 5 (points) = Back Mount (Mouting over the trunks of the opponent from behind
and holding him onto the ground with stretching his body.) When the position changes either from “Mount” or “Back” to “Back mount”,
additional one (1) point shall be awarded to make five (5) in total.
4) Submission
One (1) point = Catch (Submission or constriction technique is effective to bring the
opponent to almost giving up

Article 35 Additional points on positioning
When a fighter takes a position which gives more points than the prior ones in a
single struggle, the additional points shall be awarded, however, when the following
position gives less points than the prior ones, there shall be no additional points
awarded. Once the fighters get back to their guard position or standing position and
it is recognized to be another struggle, the additional points shall be awarded.

Chapter 16 Position

Article 36 Position
Standing position means the state that no area of fighter’s body besides the bottom of
his feet touche the ground. Ground position means the state that any area of the
fighter’s body touches the ground besides the bottom of his feet touches the ground

Chapter 17 Don’t move

Article 37 Don’t move
Referee shall give a “don’t move” call to both fighters when a fighter comes out of the
ring or almost falls out. A “don’t move” call shall be also given when the clothes or
protectors of the fighter who is in the ground position come of or almost come off. Once
a “don’t move”call is announced, both fighters shall stop moving immediately and stay
as they are till the referee tell them to continue to fight.

Chapter 18 Break

When the referee decides that the offense and defense is brought to a standstill, or
when a fighter could not stay still after a “don’t move”call is announced regardless
whetherit is accidental or intentional, a “break” call shall be given to both fighters. The
fighters shall immediately stop fighting and get back to their standing position on a
“break” call.

Chapter 19 Foul play

Article 39 Foul play
The following techniques are defined as foul.
1) Prohibited attacks
a. Usingones head to deliver a blow
b. Attacking with ones elbow or lower arm
c. Attacking with any part of one’s hand besides the knuckles
d. Attacking the back of one’s head
e. Attacking one’s spiral cord
f. Attacking one’s knee right from the front
g. Any attacks one one’s fingers
h. Any attacks on one’s groin
i. Delivering a blow to the opponent while one or both fighters are in the ground position
j. Holding one’s head from behind and weighing on is head
k. Holding one’s head and hitting the back of his head against the ground
2) Prohibited behaviors
a. Biting or pushing one’s teeth against the opponent
b. Scratching with one’s nails
c. Putting one’s fingers into the eyes, the nostrills, the ears, the mouth or the anus of the
d. Pressing one’s elbow or chin against the eyes of the opponent
e. Pinching the skin of the opponent
f. Grabbing the hair, the throat, the nose or the ears of the opponent
g. Pushing the throat ot the opponent with fingers or palms
h. Grasping three (3) or less fingers of the opponent at a time
i. Grabbling the clothes or protectors of the opponent
j. Pushing or hitting the face or the throat of the opponent against the ropes or the
k. Using the ropes or the corner-matt as a fulcrum of lever for submission techniques
l. Grabbling the ropes or the corner-matt, or entangling one’s arms or legs with them
m. Attacking the opponent while he is knocked down
n. Resuming fighting before the referee tells so after a “don’t move” or a “break” call has
been announced o. Attacking the opponent during intervals
p. Causing the opponent being out of the ring on purpose
q. Not following the referee’s instructions
r. Being offensive or any insulting behavior to the opponent or the judges
s. Uttering a startling or a loud sound.

3) Escaping
a. Getting out of the ring intentionally
b. Behaviors that cause the suspension of the match, such as, spitting one’s mouthpiece
out intentionally
4) A put up match
a. A fixed fight by a fighter or by both fighters
b. Having a fight that is just for show or not fighting whit all one’s power
5 Ill-mannered behavior
Behaviors that the referee regards as ill mannered

Chapter 20 Appeal

Article 40 Appeal
Participants may make an objection to the match or to any other troubles to SC in
written form within one (1) week from the date of the match, and SC shall deliberate
one the matter and work towards solving the problems.

Chapter 21 Chairman

Article 41 Chairman
A chairman shall be seated at the official seats and shall watch matches calmly and
carefully for the matches to be done smoothly, giving appropriate advice to the referee
as needed.

Article 42 Functions
The functions of a chairman are as follows.
1) Recording the points that each fighter gets on holding techniques in a scorecard
2) Pointing ouot fouls or fighter’s gesture to show his will to give up, which the referee
has missed
3) Giving advice to the referee whether the points on holding techniques should be
awarded to a fighter or not.

Chapter 22 Referee

Article 43 Referee
A referee shall have all the rights to make decision on the official matches. He shall keep
a careful watch on the matches for rules to be respected and to ensure the safety of
fighters so that the matches can be done smoothly.

Article 44 Dress code
Dress code for a referee shall be as follows.
1) He shall be dressed in clean and tidy clothes that allow him to move agilely.
2) He shall wear shoes like wrestling shoes that allow him to move agilely.
3) He shall wear wristbands on both wrists, one of those shall be red and the other one
shall be blue. 4) He shall not wear glasses, a wristwatch or any other metal things like

Article 45 Functions
The functions of a referee are as follows.
1) He shall check if the fighting area equipment is correctly set up and if the officials are
placed in a predetermined order before matches.
2) He shall body search both fighters on their entrance into the ring to make sure there
is no breach of the rules.
3) He shall make brief remarks about the rules at the middle of the ring that fighters
should be aware of, and then he shall put them on standby at their own corners.
He shall give a timekeeper a signal of the beginning of the match after making
sure that there is noboby in the ring but the referee and two (2) fighters.
4) He shall move arround in the ring during the matches not to obstruct the fighters but
to observe their offense and defense clearly.
5) He shall decide points award to fighters for effective holding techniques with neutral
and fair judgement and shall call the points, and then he shall indicate the
number of points with his fingers to the chairman during matches. The indication
shall be done with the hand wearing the same colored wristband as the corner of
a fighter who gains points.
6) When a fighter bleeds during the match, the referee shall temporarlily suspend the
match and have the fighter see the official doctor/EHBO
7) When a fighter is knocked down, the referee shall make a “down” call and shall take
over the countdown from the timekeeper. He shall also indicate the counts with
his fingers while he is counting
8) He shall discontinue the match if a fighter does not get back to his standing position
and does not show his will to fight within the call of count five (5) after being
knocked down.
9) He shall discontinue the match if a fighter goes down three (3) times in one (1) round
10) He shall discontinue the match when he decides the it is impossible to continue
the mathc due to an injury or severe damage of a fighter from being hit, thrown
or being put through a submission technique.
11) He shall discontinue the match if a fighter loses will to fight or shows his will to
give up fighting after being hit or thrown, or if a cornerman throws a towel.
12) He shall discontinue the match when a fighter shows his will to give up fighting as
he has being put through a submission technique or a constriction technique, or
when he judges that one’s submission technique or constriction technique has a
perfect effect on the opponent.
13) When the issue of the match is decided as Ippon, KO or the like before the end of
the final round, the referee shall indicate that the match is over by waving his
hands above the head several times. 14) When the offense and defense is brought to
a standstill, the referee shall make a “break” call and separate the fighters
immediately and have them start fighting again from their standing position. 15) When
a fighter is near to come out of the ring during a struggle, the referee shall make a
“don’t move”call, and with the sub-referees, he shall move the fighters with
keeping them in the state of no motion to an other spot where they can continue
16) When the clothes or protectors of a fighter come off or almost come off during the
fight, the referee shall make the fighter straighten his protectors immediately not to
obstruct the fight. 17) He shall call “fight”when he commands to start, to continue or to
encourage the fights.
18) When a fighter uses a foul technique regardless of whether ist is accidental or
intentional, the refere shall suspend the match and give the fighter a warning if it
is necessary.
19) When a fighter uses a vicious foul technique regardless of whether it is accidental
or intentional, the referee shall suspend the match and call “caution” and shall
give the fighter a warning and also a reduction of points.
20) When he gives a fighter a rededuction of points, he shall give notice of the
fighter’s name who gets the reduction, and the reason and points of the
reduction to the chairman.
21) He shall make a “stop” call when he intends to suspend or discontinue a match.
22) He shall make a “time” call to the timekeeper when he intends to stop or restart
23) When he discontinues the match, he shall give the reason of discountinuation to
the officials. 24) During each interval, he shall notify both fighters of what round the
next one is. He shall also inquire whether the fighters still have their will to
continue fighting or shall give warnings to the fighters when needed.
25) On score counting, he shall collect the scorecards from the sub-referees and
submit them to the officials.
26) When the match is over, he shall hold the winner’s arm up high to show whom
the winner is. In one- match fights, when the match ends in a draw he shall hold
both fighter’s arms up high to show that the result is a draw.
27) In Tournament fights, when the match is resulted in a draw, the judgement by
flags shall be made neutrally and fairly considering both fighters hit and holding
techniques, then the referee shall raise one of his hands wich is wearing the
wristband of the same color as the superior fighter’s corner to show whom the
winner is.

Article 46 Authorities
A referee shall have the following authorities.
1) When the referee judges the it is impossible to continue the match due to an
injury or damage of a fighter who has been hit, thrown or been put through a
submission technique, the referee shall have the right to discontinue the match and
decide the issue of it.
2) The referee shall have the right to discontinue the match and decide the issue of
it when he judges that one’s submission or constriction technique has a perfect
effect on the issue of it.
3) The referee shall have the right to disqualify a fighter who intentionally usses foul
techniques after giving him warnings several times or even without a single warning.
4) If a fighter plays foul even not during rounds, the referee shall have the right to
give the fighter a warning and reduction of points.
5) When a fighter gets damaged from a rule violation by the opponent, the referee
shall have the right to give the fighter a rest to recover and resume the match.
6) When a fighter dose not follow the referee’s instruction to resume the match and
does not show the will to fight, the referee shall have the right to announce a “Down”
call and start a countdown or decide the match TKO to make that fighter the loser.
7) If the referee could not make sure of “Knock down”, “Ippon”, “Foul” ore other
actions, he shall have the right to ask for opinions of the chairman or the sub-
8) If the referee could not judge whether the points on holding techniques should be
awarded or not, he shall have the right to ask for an opinion of the chairman.
9) The referee shall have the right to make a request for the sub-referees assistance
in the state that a “Don’t move” call has been announced.
10) The referee shall have the right to ask for the official doctor’s judgment whether it
is possible to continue the match due to an injury or damage of a fighter.
11) If any event like a disaster or a breakage of facilities happens wich makes it
impossible to continue the match the referee shall have the right to discontinue the

Chapter 23 Sub-referee

Article 47 Functions
Sub-referees shall be seated at sub-referees seats and shall watch matches calmly and
carefully to be done smoothly giving appropriate advice to the referee as needed.

Article 48 Functions
1) Sub-referees shall award points to fighters only for effective hit techniques with
neutral and fair judgment at each round, and shall enter the score in scorecards to
present them to the referee.
2) In tournament fights, when the match is judged as a draw, the judgment by flags
shall be made neutrally and fairly considering both fighters hit and holding techniques,
then the sub referee shall hold up a flag which is the same color as the superior
fighter’s corner color.
3) Pointing out fouls or gestures of a fighter to show that he wants to give up
fighting, wich the referee has missed
4) On a “Don’t move” call, if the referee requested, sub referees shall immediately
enter the ring and help the referee move fighters to the other spot where they can
continue fighting with keeping fighters in the state of no motion.

Chapter 24 Timekeeper

Article 49 Timekeeper
A timekeeper shall be seated at the official seats and shal check time strictly using a
precise watch.

Article 50 Functions
The functions of a timekeeper are as follows
1) He shall indicate by ringing a gong the beginning and the end of each round.
2) He shall give the announcer a direction to announce a “Second out” call at ten (10)
seconds before the beginning of each round.
3) On the referees “Down” call, he shall start a contdown and indicate every second by
his hand to the referee.
4) One the referee’s “time” call, he shall stop or restart timekeeping.
5) When the issue of the game is decided before the end of the final round, he shall ring
a gong to inform that the game is over and shall record the time.

Chapter 25 Announcer

Article 51 Announcer
An announcer shall make clear announcements so that the mathc shall be done

Article 52 Functions
The functions of an announcer are as follows.
1) He shall announce the following items prior to matches: Weight class, Number of
rounds, Names of the fighters, Weights of the fighters, Names of the judges.
2) He shall announce a “Seconds out” call at ten (10) seconds before each round.
3) When a fighter gets a reduction of points, he shall announce the fighter’s name who
gets the reduction and the reason and points of the reduction after the round.
4) When the matchis over, he shall announce the elapsed time, the name ot the winner
and the determinant factor of issue of the match.
5) He shall announce the matters that the officials particularly required. 6) He shall not
announce anything that SC does not admit.

Chapter 26 Official doctor

Article 53 Official doctor
An official doctor shall be approved by SC, and he shall be expert in sports medicine
and shall be fully conversant in Shooto with its techniques and rules.

Article 54 Functions
The functions of an official doctor are as follows.
1) On the day of the matches, he shall give all the fighters medical examinations
before matches and shall make suggestions to the officials, if needed, whether it is
possible for a fighter to participate in the match.
2) He shall be seated at official seats by the ring, and he shall give fighters
medical examinations during matches on the referee’s request. He shall make
suggestions to the referee whether it is possible for fighters to continue fighting or not.

Article 55 Authorities
An official doctor has the following authorities.
1) He shall have the right to decide a fighter’s participation depending on the results
of medical examination before matches.
2) He shall have the right to decide whether it is possible for a fighter, who got
damaged or is bleeding, to continue fighting or not.